Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Meeting in Fossil Re: Developing Direct-Market Opportunities for Local Food in Wheeler County
Monday, April 5th
Wheeler County Family Services Conference Room
401 Fourth St.
Fossil, OR
This meeting will provide food buyers and sellers the chance to network, share information and discuss the upcoming growing season and direct-market opportunities.
Producers and processors of all agricultural products (vegetable, grain, fruit and livestock) are invited to attend, as well as buyers for grocery stores, restaurants, schools, caterers, hospitals, bakeries and other institutions. Please spread the work if you know of anyone in the region that would be interested!
There will also be an opportunity for discussions around other community interests and food projects—gardening, community and school gardens, farmers’ markets, nutrition, educational opportunities, etc.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Call For Local Photos
Do you have pictures of our local farms/farmers, restaurants, grocery stores, farmers' markets, food bank volunteers, farm/garden workshops and classes, community gardens, etc. etc. etc. that will help tell the story of food in our community?
If in digital format they can be emailed to
Upcoming Food, Farm and Garden Events!
Community Garden Plot Sign Ups
Saturday, March 27th
Get a Community Garden Plot at the Willow Creek Community Garden, Madras
Willow Creek Garden
NE 10th and B st. Madras
Questions? Contact:
Beth Ann Beamer 460-4023
Annie Ayres 390-0487
Saturday, April 17th
Prineville Community Garden Plot Sign-Up
Prineville Presbyterian Church
1771 N. Madras Highway
Please come and enjoy garden preparation day and
reserve your plot. Small plots are $30 and large plots
$40 for the season. Your fee covers water and soil amendments.
Our garden is organic and some seeds and starts will also be
available for free.
We are in our 6th year and our orchard had fruit last year. We have 40 plots, good water, a secure deer fence, and have worked hard this spring to remove the gophers. The garden is organic and the soil has been well amended.
No plots may be reserved prior to April 17th.
If you have questions, please call Kim Kambak (541) 771 1923.
Classes, Workshops, and Events
TOMORROW (Wednesday, March 31st)
Vegetable Gardening in Central Oregon
Bend Public Library
Want to lower your grocery bills? Growing your own vegetables is fun and economical way to help during these tough financial times. Learn how to grow your own healthy produce from Cindy Jeffers in an informative session
Saturday, April 10th
Edible Landscapes
CHS Garden Center, NW Depot Rd. Madras
Edible Landscapes will focus, on fruit trees. Scott Duggan will teach about soil preparation, selection of trees for Central Oregon and how to protect trees for disease and insects.Bring a coat to take a short outdoor tour and learn about pruning techniques as well. Bring a pair of pruners and give it a try.
To register, call 541-383-7270.
Saturday, April 10th
Composting and Organic Gardening Made Easy
Bend Public Library
Tuesday, April 13th
Community Food Systems Gathering
Ascension School & Conference Center
1104 Church St.
Cove, Oregon
A gathering of groups and coalitions working to improve community food systems throughout Oregon
For more information contact Sharon Thornberry, Oregon Food Bank
Saturday, April 14-17th
The Small Farmer's Journal Horsedrawn Auction and Swap Meet
Jefferson County Fairgrounds, Madras
Free Admission; Charge for Fairgrounds Parking
More info and schedule here.
Saturday, April 24th
OSU Master Gardener Spring Gardening Fair and Garden Market
Redmond Fairgrounds
$10 per class (pre-registration); $15 per class on event day
Special General Session: Gail Langellotto-Rhodaback speaks on Genetically Modified Foods
Classes Offered On: Vegetable Gardening, Food Preservation, Raising Chickens, Hardy Perennials, Using Conifers in C.O., Growing Apples, Hobby Greenhouse
More info here.
COCC Community Ed Home and Garden Courses
More info here.
Saturday, June 5th
Local Food Network Website Launch
Environmental Center, Bend
For more info email
Call For Volunteers!
Fields Farm intern, Jeremy Fox has set up a series of farm tours throughout the month of May for local elementary and middle schoolers.
The goals of these trips is to expose kids to who farmers are and where food comes from, as well as have a fun time meeting goats and chickens and greenhouses.
If you're interested in volunteering to give guided tours of the farm for a morning or two contact Jeremy at:
No experience necessary, just an interest is teaching kids about food!
WIC (Women Infants and Children) Fruit & Vegetable Voucher Trainings for Producers
Starting 2010, farmers who sell their fruits and vegetables directly to consumers at farm stands or at farmers’ markets may sign up to participate in the existing Farm Direct Nutrition Program (FDNP) and/or a NEW program called the WIC Fruit & Veggie Voucher Program.
All farmers who want to accept the new WIC Fruit & Veggie Vouchers need to attend a 75-minute “face-to-face” Training Session as part of the authorization process, since the requirements for this program are different from the FDNP Program.
Thursday, April 29th
Jefferson Co. Health Department
Friday, April 30th
OSU Extension Service Office
Saturday, May 1st
St. Charles Hospital
Training Room "E"
Training room E is located between the volunteer desk and the former health and care store near the front entrance.
For more information contact Kelly Streit at